Monthly Astrological Forecast : February 2025
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Venus, the Love planet, enters Aries on the 4th. Objects of your desire will be defenseless to your unbeatable winning charms. Without even trying, you will wind up being the center of attention. Unattached Rams will have luck on their side in finding their perfect partner. Those in a committed relationship can strengthen their loving bonds.
Jupiter turns direct on the 4th and promises made to you by siblings and neighbors may finally be fulfilled. Short trips can bring good luck in unexpected ways. Self-employed Rams will reap bushels of new business by starting an aggressive advertising campaign. Those involved in sales will surpass all previous quotas.
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th brings much praise and positive reviews for your talents. As a result, a fire will be ignited within you to express more of your creative abilities. Rams involved professionally in any of the arts, will experience a breakthrough with their skills.
When Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th, others will start sharing intimate details of their life with you. Listen, but don’t be tempted with reciprocating by revealing your dirty laundry with them. They may not prove to be as tightly lipped as you are when it comes to your affairs.
Mars, your ruling planet, finally turns direct on the 23rd. You will start to feel all inner restlessness dissolve. Unpleasant memories from your childhood should start to dissipate too. Your relatives will start to behave in a less obnoxious way. Home improvements and repairs can be tackled with renewed gusto. The delays will seem like a thing of the past and best to be forgotten.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th tempts you into divulging exceptionally intimate matters about yourself or others. Best to keep your business to yourself. Even those you trust can spill the beans on your private affairs unintentionally. Confidences broken now can never be fully restored.
Your ruling planet Venus enters Aries on the 4th. She may try to seduce you into entering into a secret romantic liaison. Tempting as it may appear, you will not be given all the true facts. Try to keep yourself grounded with love and refuse to enter a world of fantasy and empty promises. Next month the veil will be lifted, and you will see things more clearly.
Jupiter stops his backward movement on the 4th and turns direct. You’ll find your finances start to take a 180 degree turn for the better. Promised funds, which have been tied up for months, will now start to flow in your direction.
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th can shake things up where your home is concerned. You may start to seriously contemplate moving from where you’re living or desire to make radical changes to the home. Childhood memories may start to resurface and have to be dealt with.
When Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th new and extremely innovative solutions will appear for old problems. Best to set your mind free and allow your thinking to be as original as possible. The tried-and-true ways of handling things will not meet with much success. However, thinking out of the box will turn you into a winner.
Mars finally ends his backward spin and turns direct on the 23rd. The planetary coast is clear now for purchasing a new car or anything which has to do with transportation or communication. Others will become receptive again to your sales pitches. Peace is restored with neighbors and siblings.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th emphasizes relations with friends. Use her illuminating lunar light to expand upon your social and professional contacts. Don’t turn down invitations to network. Make sure you can honor all commitments before volunteering to help others in any way. Otherwise, hurt feelings can result and friendships can be broken.
Venus enters Aries on the 4th, and you find yourself invited to many opportune social functions for networking. Just one of your new contacts can quickly blossom from a business relationship to a hot romance.
Jupiter goes direct on the 4th, and you feel the marvelous effects of the Good Luck Planet in your sign tremendously strengthened. Waste no time going after all you want in life. Jupiter was the king of the ancient gods and he’ll be throwing thunderbolts of good fortune in your direction.
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th may make you impatient with following regular routines. There is a strong desire now to break from preconceived ideas and beliefs. Expanding your mind by taking a stimulating course or workshop, may be the fix needed.
Your ruling planet Mercury enters sensitive Pisces on the 14th. This is a good time to have a heart-to-heart with your supervisor. Open up to them about how you want to get ahead in the company. Also, ask if you can take on more responsibilities to further your ambitions. They’ll be flattered that you sought their guidance.
Monetary matters will start to right themselves when Mars turns direct on the 23rd. The promised funds, bonuses, or raises may all finally be manifested. Twins involved in sales will see a generous upsurge in hefty accounts. You’ll become driven to seek out greener pastures to acquire more money.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th brings much activity to your position at work. A new project with many intricacies may be placed under your command. Much diligence will be required to bring it into fruition. Concentrate all your energy on completing it efficiently and a future promotion may be yours.
The planet of love, Venus, enters fiery Aries on the 4th. Escape your shell and get out in public. You won’t get scorched by her rays. She will place all eyes on you in an adoring way. Self-employed Crabs can get lots of dynamic unsolicited publicity for their business. Those employed by others should hit their boss for a much-deserved raise. Love can be found out of the blue, while busily pursuing career aims.
With Jupiter turning direct on the 4th, your uncanny psychic sixth sense becomes even more finely tuned. Pay attention and listen to the dreams you have when sleeping. They will contain prophetic messages and bestow excellent other worldly counsel. Also, acts of kindness performed in the past will reap present blessings.
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th may be judgement time with finances. If you’ve been very disciplined sticking to a budget, rewards will be forthcoming. If you haven’t, you may be shocked by forgotten charges placed on your credit card accounts. Time to get your finances in better working order.
Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th and your dreams are filled with prophetic visions of the future. Write them down immediately when you wake up in the morning. Their guidance can prove to be invaluable. Married Crabs can find great improvement in the lines of communication with in-laws.
Mars, which has been retrograding in your sign, finally turns direct on the 23rd. The self-doubts, which have been uncharacteristically plaguing you since his retro, all fall by the wayside. Your life direction becomes crystal clear. With your life force fully restored, the world is yours to conquer. Carpe diem.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th makes you restless with the mundane elements of your life. Your soul will desire a greater sense of freedom of expression and expansion to breathe. Don’t make commitments, which you cannot honor to others. Though your intentions may be good, you may get carried away with making impossible to fulfill promises.
Venus enters Aries on the 4th, helping you make excellent first impressions with others. Unattached Lions starving for love, can find romance lurking in classrooms, church groups, and on exotic long-distance trips. Married Leos should take advantage of all opportunities to improve relationships with their in-laws. This will make your mate purr with delight.
Magnanimous Jupiter turns direct on the 4th and suddenly your social life is spinning in a more positive direction. Delays placed in your path in attaining goals start to fully dissolve. Promises made to you from friends are finally able to be fulfilled.
The Full Moon in your sign on the 12th, shines a bright spotlight on your leadership abilities. Others will be seeking your advice and guidance. A whole new life path may be revealed to you. It will be next to impossible to hide your feelings and deep emotions for all the world to see.
Mercury transits into Pisces on the 14th and you turn into a virtual Sherlock Holmes when it comes to getting to the bottom of things. Your investigative abilities will unearth the info you have been searching for. Discussions with your partner about joint finances will be based on logic and common sense, minus emotional drama.
Mars turns direct on the 23rd. If you used his retrograde correctly, you have faced the demons of the past and soundly defeated them. As a result, you now have a much better grasp on the workings of your subconscious. Your psychic abilities have also become more finely attuned to the universe.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th motivates you to review joint financial holdings, taxes, pension investments, and insurance policies. Going over them with a fine-tooth comb, may be tedious and time consuming. However, it can wind up saving you a lot of money.
Venus enters Aries on the 4th and makes you extremely magnetic and very sexy. Financial benefits can come from both your romantic and business partners. They will want to please you and be less likely to argue over expenditure or your ideas on handling finances.
Jupiter stops his retrograde spin and turns direct on the 4th. Promises made to you about career finally begin to materialize. Those wishing for a new job should have a multitude of fantastic offers to pick from. Self-employed Virgos can experience an immense expansion of new business and clients.
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th may have some potent issues from the past resurface. Several of them have become overtime roadblocks impeding your progress. Use the Full Moon’s powerful energy to clean up the cobwebs in your memories and subconscious.
Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th and opens the floodgates of communication between yourself and your partner. Contractual agreements made will prove to be clear and easily understood. A new tax strategy can be found by having a detailed talk with your accountant.
Warrior Mars turns direct on the 23rd and peace is restored with your companions. During the retrograde they may have been just going through some rough emotional patches and became oblivious to your sensitive feelings. Plan some time together to mend the strained ties.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th puts unattached Virgos on a quest to find a lover who will complete and compliment their individual energies. Making it a priority can get desired results. A new business partner can appear, who will have vital know-how and funds to get your company to the top.
Your ruling planet Venus enters passionate Aries on the 4th, giving unattached Libras the best energies to find true love. Proposals for both marriage and business will be given. New clients will appear, who will be both prosperous and generous with sending a multitude of referrals your way.
Expansive Jupiter turns direct on the 4th. As a result, travel plans which have been delayed can now be taken-off hold. He’ll reward you for your patience by getting you the best package deals. Writers should submit their masterpieces to publishers. Those seeking to pursue higher education should apply for admission and grants.
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th can bring a much-needed overhaul with friends. The ones who have been acting as deadweights will be severed. New people, who share your interests, will be entering your life.
With Mercury transiting into Pisces on the 14th, your mind seeks ways to improve job performance. Plan an informal meeting with employees and brainstorm together on how to up production. They will be complimented that you value their input and will work harder to implement the changes.
Mars turns direct on the 23rd and finally your career starts to turn right side up. It may have been difficult for you during his retro to keep career matters in a sense of balance. Others may have seen you as unusually ineffectual with handling managerial duties. You may have vacillated from being too lax to being too bossy with subordinates. With his direct motion, you can strategize a clearer path up the corporate ladder.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th brings sudden and unexpected changes to your job. Try to go with the flow and not set up any blockages. In the long run things will turn around in your favor if you do. Management will see you as the person who always keeps things well balanced, no matter what is thrown at them.
In search of a talented employee for your business or someone to perform some services for you? Venus will come to the rescue, when she enters Aries on the 4TH. Besides being highly skilled, the new hire’s upbeat personality will lift everyone else’s team spirit to greater heights of co-operation.
On the 4th Jupiter, the planet of Good Luck, turns direct. Monies which were promised but held-up should start to be released. Many benefits should flow your way with joint finances, loan approvals, tax rebates, and with legal settlements. If married, your spouse may receive a bonus or pay raise.
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th shines bright light on your position at work. You will be seen in a very complimentary light by management. Besides praise, a promotion may be in store for you. Self-employed Scorpios will be getting some first-rate PR from the media.
Mercury transits into sensitive Pisces on the 14th. He’ll have you seeking out new avenues to express your innate creative talents. Where matters of the heart are concerned, you’ll be looking for more than a pretty face. You’ll want someone who has a brain as attractive as their appearance.
When Mars turns direct on the 23rd, Scorpio writers should welcome the return of their muse. You will be infused with a renewed sense of self-confidence where academic pursuits are concerned. Written presentations and school projects will reap deserved praise. Publishers will see the true worth and sales appeal of your works. Long distance trips may finally be taken off hold and enjoyed.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th for Scorpios with children indicates that they may require extra hands-on attention and discipline. You may become more involved in scrutinizing their current studies at school. Unattached Scorpios find romance in completely unexpected ways and through unusual encounters.
With Venus entering fiery Aries on the 4th, you can cast your famous bow and arrow aside. She will make you the target when it comes to love. Scores of ardent suitors will be in pursuit of capturing your heart.
Your ruling planet, Jupiter, turns direct on the 4th and helps to iron out any difficulties which may have developed with close personal relationships or business partners during his retrograde. They will finally fulfill promises made to you. Unattached Archers will have the best luck in establishing a lasting commitment.
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th can bring a legal matter to a sudden close. Sagittarius students can excel in their studies and receive plentiful praise for submitted papers. An opportunity to travel may have you packing your bags.
With Mercury transiting into Pisces on the 14th, you may find it more rewarding to do most of your work from home. If you have been concerned about a family member’s bad eating habits, this poses a good opportunity to give them an intervention on health and proper nutrition.
Mars turns direct on the 23rd and your self-confidence to make intelligent financial decisions returns. You can successfully pitch your proposals to partners and potential financial backers. Loans or additional funds needed will be granted. The passion in your intimate love relationship will return and warm-up the cold winter nights.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th lends strong emphasis on home affairs. Try extending an olive branch to disgruntled family members. Part of their grievance with you may be the lack of time you spend with them. An easy way to fix the problem could be working more at home and less in the office or including some of them on your excursions.
You’ll get rave reviews for throwing a party at home, when Venus enters Aries on the 4th. Others will see you as the host with the most. Steals can be had now for impressive new home furnishings. Relationships with your parents can become warmer and filled with greater mutual understanding.
The planet of Good Fortune, Jupiter, turns direct on the 4th and you are deluged with tremendous new job offers with better pay and benefits. Goats looking to hire new employees will have the top candidates to pick from. Health matters take a dramatic turn for the better.
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th can shake up some of your financial investments for the better or for the worse. Either way, it may alert you to keep a more watchful eye on what you have invested.
With Mercury entering Pisces on the 14th others will take a shine to what you have to say or write. Communication will become your forte. You’ll be able to get your ideas across to others with great insight and touch them at many deep levels without even trying.
Mars turns direct on the 23rd and helps to restore peace in both your business and love partnerships. Your partner will drop their recently acquired passive-aggressive posture, and you can deal with them on a direct basis. Without having to act as a mind reader now, you can discuss and renegotiate deals and agreements.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th presents some important turning point decisions. Follow your first gut reaction and stick to it. Your intuition will not steer you wrong. You’ll also know how to diplomatically present your views to others, who may hold differing opinions.
With Venus entering fiery Aries on the 4th, you desire a deep heart to heart conversation with your lover. It’s more than time for them to voice their true intentions and feelings for you. Don’t make excuses and let them off the hook, if they try to wrangle around things. Unhitched Aquarians can find many romantic prospects through social media and dating sites.
Jupiter reverses his backward movement of the past couple of months and turns direct on the 4th. Creative projects, which you gave birth to, will now be received with the proper recognition they deserve. Investments which may not have taken off as hoped may now start to soar.
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th may expose some cracks which are present in close partnerships. If you use them lunar rays correctly, you can mend them successfully. If you feel it is not worth the bother, you can end it all.
Mercury transits into Pisces on the 14th and money-making ideas dance through your head. Use your immense intuitive abilities to devise ways to turn them into realities. Plan a sensible budget and develop a new financial strategy for your business.
Turbulent Mars turns direct on the 23rd and should start to cool down tempers at the workplace. Co-workers get back to playing nice with one another. Setbacks with projects will dissipate. If you have fallen off the wagon with an unhealthy lifestyle, you can safely get back on it. Your passion for successfully accomplishing difficult tasks will be restored.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th infuses you with a strong yearning to increase your financial worth and make more money. Reexamine all the ideas which you had in the past and did not act on. A couple of them may have seemed crazy at the time but could work in today’s market. One of them may even hold the key to abundance.
Self-employed Pisces will find their businesses starting to boom when Venus enters Aries on the 4th. As the ruler of money, she will generously dole out extra coins for hard working deserving Fish. She will also stabilize romantic relationships. Unhooked Fish should start swimming to friendlier waters where they will find someone to share their values.
Benevolent Jupiter turns direct on the 4th and his auspicious rays will shine upon your homelife and family relationships. A greater sense of peace and harmony will be instilled. All real estate transactions can, if by magic, fall into place. Any setbacks and delays should start to dissolve.
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th can help you bring to completion a complicated work project. However, do not rush to volunteer and jump into another assignment over your head. Take time to catch your breath and let your co-workers recoup too.
Mercury enters your sign on the 14th. He will give you increased confidence with your decisions and mental abilities. It will be easier for you to make clear and forthright evaluations in deciding which path to follow. Others will be amazed how you can effortlessly make correct evaluations of current situations.
Mars turns direct on the 23rd and complications with your love life fall by the wayside. Stability with your beloved will be reestablished and passion returns full force. Your inspirational impasses, due to being too self-critical, can be abandoned. You will establish a firmer belief in your talents. Fish with children will find them settling down and behaving better.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th bestows rays of shining light to help you navigate in the direction of refreshing waters teeming with new life. She will require that you rely and trust more on your inner senses and sensitive perceptions in charting the course. Be bold in setting sail and follow your heart’s yearnings.