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Judith Auora Ryan has developed her inherent gifts of psychic insight and extrasensory awareness to a very high level of consciousness. As a child she was recognized as having traits that caused her to be able to read people, events, and future happenings spiritually and accurately. This rare talent was nurtured by her grandmother, also gifted psychically, who believed the greatest legacy she could bestow upon her grandchild would be to help her accept and develop her instinctive gifts, so that she could use them to help others.


Judith’s inborn psychic ability has lead her to serious studies in Astrology, Past Life Regression, Card Reading, Feng Shui, and many of the ancient arts of Esoteric knowledge.


Over 45 years ago she began her formal study of astrology in her teens under the tutorage of Charles Jayne, who is known as “the father of modern technical astrology”. His famous wife Vivia Jayne also privately taught her unpublished methods on interpretation and forecasting using Lunar Returns and Declination. For over twelve years Judith studied and collaborated with the legendary astrologer Al H. Morrison. He was instrumental in helping her develop techniques of relocating and forecasting with the Solar Return Chart.


Judith’s formal training in Feng Shui was by Feng Shui Master, Lin Yun, Grand Master and spiritual leader of the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist School of Feng Shui. She also received a certification from the Qi-Mac International Feng Shui and Geobiology Institute. From 1993 to 2004 she taught courses at Middlesex College, Edison, NJ on Feng Shui and the Tao of Color.


In her quest for wisdom and expanded awareness, Judith has traveled to over 45 countries, making personal onsite investigations in search of answers to the advanced (Sacred) sciences, which are now being rediscovered in the New Age. On her many trips to Central and South America, she has studied directly with native shamans to learn their cleansing and blessing rituals. The first hand knowledge she has gained through decades of travel and study have made Judith one of the most sought after advisors in the United States and Western Europe.


Due to her inborn clairvoyant talents and excellent teachers, Judith has astounded not only the public but also the press. Forbes Recorder January 8, 1993 acknowledged her exceptional astrological skills by writing “Judith Auora Ryan of Edison predicted last year President George Bush would experience a mild illness during 1992. Just a few weeks later the President became ill at a dinner party in Japan.” She also astounded listeners on radio station WCTC by accurately predicting the World Trade Center bombing two months before it happened. In NJ Life Magazine, Judith gave the date of the stock market crash.


However, her exceptional talents are not reserved just for the media. Judith has an international clientele base and applies her incredible abilities always with a true sense of empathy and compassion to all individual clients. In helping others in their business and personal problems, no client’s problem is ever seen as insignificant.


Her career as a professional astrologer, clairvoyant, and Feng Shui master has spanned over 45 years and six continents. During this time, she has delivered lectures and seminars to audiences in North and South America, Europe, Australia, the South Sea Islands, and North Africa.

Judith is a charismatic public speaker and seminar leader and lectures in the United States and abroad. Her lecture expertise has been engaged by the top world cruise lines to enlighten and entertain their passengers. She is a popular guest on radio and television stations. Judith also wrote an astrology column for NJ Holistic Magazine from 1998 through 2002. Judith is a member of the Hudson County Chamber of Commerce.

Judith Auora Ryan - Astrologer, Clairvoyant, Feng Shui Master

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